Sunday, April 11, 2010


This week was the last week of winter semester for BYU-Idaho. It was finals week for Courtney, and also Greg, but they both had different feelings about it. I think Greg loves giving finals, and I'm sure Courtney could do without them. The end result by the end of the week was the same for both of them though...finished!

This also meant that everyone was leaving for the summer. We had to say good-bye to Savannah and Colby, and Bekah and Nathan both graduated yesterday, so they will be leaving soon. It is always a bitter sweet time for me. Summer is always such a fun time, but I will miss our Sunday dinner group! The only good thing is that a whole new one will start. Madison is coming back, as is Sierra and Hannah from the fall group. Jaren is also still here, and who knows who will be dropping in during the summer months. Sharing our Sunday dinner table with college kids is one of our great joys.

I went to Bekah and Nathan's graduation yesterday and I was so proud of them. Nathan walked with Bekah's college and they went across together, which was appropriate since they'd done it all together. Wayne and Mary were here too, who are also Matt's parent's, and they came for dinner today. It is always so fun to have them come. They are the kind of people who we feel like we've known forever. It will be so hard to say good-bye to Bekah and Nathan. They have been with us for 2 solid years and have become just like our own kids. We certainly wish them well as they go out into the cold, cruel world, but it can't be any colder than Rexburg so they should be okay!

There are no pictures this week because I don't have the camera. Sorry! But the truth is that I don't think we took any pictures anyway. This is a pretty boring post, but it's all I got! Happy spring to everyone!

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