Saturday, February 20, 2010

When We're Helping We're Happy

Griffin and Ashland moved to Cleveland, Oklahoma last August. We have wanted to go visit them there ever since, and finally decided to take advantage of the 3 day weekend in February to do it! The timing seemed perfect. Griff and Ash were able to buy a home that was in foreclosure last month, but because of one thing and another they have still not moved in to it. One of the biggest problems was that, as nice as the home was, it needed some TLC before it was livable. So, we packed up our painting clothes and headed for Oklahoma!

We were there from Thurs. night to Tues. morning and had such a great time! Besides working in the house, we walked through the law school building where Griffin spends most of his life, went to a fund raiser pancake breakfast for the high school band, and went to church. Thanks to Ashland's parents for putting us up! They were wonderful hosts.

Most of the time we were there though, we were working in the house. The first day we worked from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. Matt and Haley and Bennett came up from Texas and risked their lives driving from Texas in a snowstorm (see Haley's blog). It was so fun to be able to see them too, and so nice of them to offer their skills and support. Ashland's parents, as well as some kind friends also came over to help. We all worked non-stop for 3 days, scrubbing walls, stripping wall paper, painting, cleaning, and in Matt's case, building. It may not sound like your typical dream vacation, but it was the best time I have had in a long time. We got to see Griffin and Ashland AND Matt, Haley, and Bennett! When we needed a break Bennett was always there to entertain. We got to see Griff and Ash's new house and see it start to take shape. It was definitely my idea of a good time! It really is a great house and I am so excited for them to get to move into it. There are only a few more things for them to do before they can!

So, here are some pictures of our fun trip

Griffin studies his law books with glee and enthusiasm.

Greg painted and became good friends with the color "half puma."

Nancy cleans and brings cheer to the day with her ever bright smile.

Griffin and Matt make a great team.

Charlotte and Cindy prep the walls.

Jeff paints the closets with class and style.

Bennett is in charge of moral and does a great job.

Part of the happy crew.
Ashland, Nancy, Bennett, Griff, Haley, and Matt

Jeff, Griffin, and Nancy making plans in the dining area.

Three generations of boys . . . the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Matt on one of his many projects.

Nancy and Ashland evaluating paint colors.

Greg and Bennett in front of the house taking a break.

Griffin and Nancy gathering materials.

Haley, Nancy, and Bennett at the Pancake breakfast.
(A fund raiser for the high school band)

Nancy and Bennett - Best Friends.

Griffin and Ashland - The Proud New Home Owners.
(at "Charlestons", the resturant where Ashland works)

Greg and Nancy - The Proud Parents.
(at Charlestons)

The "after" shot at the end of the weekend.
Courtland, Charlotte, Greg, Ashland, Griffin, Nancy

1 comment:

The Hargrave Clan said...

Oh wow, it looks SOOOO good! I'm sad we had to leave before the "after" was complete, but I know it probably looks great.

P.S- I like it when you update.